Tiësto - Feel It In My Bones (feat. Tegan & Sara) (First State Remix)

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Tiësto - Feel It In My Bones (feat. Tegan & Sara) (First State Remix) was added to the Free2Music database on March 14, 2019. Published the day it was watched 882 times since. Other information about free music is below.

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Lyrics Title

Feel It In My Bones (feat. Tegan & Sara)






Blow by blow
I didn't see it coming
Blow by blow

Sucker Punched

Rushes in
Here to stay
Rushes in
You are here to stay

What rushes into my heart and my skull
I can't control
Think about it
Feel it in my bones
What rushes into my heart and my skull
I can't control

I feel you in my bones
You're knocking at my windows
You're slow to letting me go
And I know this feeling also
This feeling in my bones

Left I didn't see it coming
Left You've got dead aim

Rushes out
Run away
Rushes out
You always run away

What rushes into my heart and my skull
I can't control
Think about it
Feel it in my bones
What rushes into my heart and my skull
I can't control

I feel you in my bones
You're knocking at my windows
You're slow to letting me go
And I know this feeling also
This feeling in my bones

I feel you in my bones
You're knockin at my windows
You're slow to letting me go
And I know this feeling also
This feeling in my bones

I feel it in my bones
And then my skull feels (pressure)
I feel it in my bones (pressure)
I feel it in my skull
I feel you in my bones
You're knocking at my windows
You're slow to letting me go
And I know this feeling also
This feeling in my bones

I take a breath
Take a breath
With me blow by blow
Take a break
Take a break
From you you are here to stay
I take my heart out of my chest
I just don't need it anymore
Take my head out of the game
I just don't need it anymore

I take a breath
Take a breath
With me blow by blow
Take a break
Take a break
From you you are here to stay
I take my heart out of my chest
I just don't need it anymore
Take my head out of the game
I just don't need it anymore
I feel you in my bones
You're knocking at my windows
You're slow to letting me go
And I know this feeling also
This feeling in my bones
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