Amna - She Bangs

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Amna - She Bangs was added to the Free2Music database on March 04, 2019. Published the day it was watched 819 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information





Lyrics Title

She Bangs






O la la, o la la
She bangs, bangs
She moves, moves
Chorus x 2
She bangs, bangs like fixed body on the ground
She moves, moves like fixed body with the sound
She bangs, bangs like fixed body on the ground
She moves, moves like fixed body with the sound
O la la, o la la x 4

Sometimes I miss her
I’m braking all the rules jus to see ya
I left everything behind
And I know that it is the right
Alright, alright…
We shining better when a pride today
Let’s dance together, I will make you stay
You make me fell a better days
I fell the better days…

Chorus x 2
She bangs, bangs like fixed body on the ground
She moves, moves like fixed body with the sound
She bangs, bangs like fixed body on the ground
She moves, moves like fixed body with the sound
O la la, o la la x 4

Sometimes I miss her
I’m braking all the rules jus to see ya
I left everything behind
And I know that it is the right
Alright, alright…
We shining better when a pride today
Let’s dance together, I will make you stay
You make me fell a better days
I fell the better days…

Chorus x 2
She bangs, bangs like fixed body on the ground
She moves, moves like fixed body with the sound
She bangs, bangs like fixed body on the ground
She moves, moves like fixed body with the sound
O la la, o la la x 4

Sometimes I miss her
I’m braking all the rules jus to see ya
I left everything behind
And I know that it is the right
Alright, alright…
We shining better when a pride today
Let’s dance together, I will make you stay
You make me fell a better days
I fell the better days…

Chorus x 4
She bangs, bangs like fixed body on the ground
She moves, moves like fixed body with the sound
She bangs, bangs like fixed body on the ground
She moves, moves like fixed body with the sound
O la la, o la la x 4
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