J. Balvin - Lose Control (feat. Vein) (Audio)

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J. Balvin - Lose Control (feat. Vein) (Audio) was added to the Free2Music database on March 03, 2019. Published the day it was watched 899 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




J Balvin


La Familia B Sides

Lyrics Title

Lose Control (feat. Vein)




Urbano Latin


The business
J Balvin man
La Familia


I know you feel
What I'm feeling cause it's in the air
I know you hear
What I'm hearing cause it stars in my ear
Goes to the mind
Stops at the soul

But it's up to you
To put up your hands
And let it go
Here's a chance to lose control

Here's a chance to lose control

I know you feel
What I'm feeling cause it's in the air
I know you hear
What I'm hearing cause it stars in my ear
Goes to the mind
Stops at the soul

But it's up to you
To put up your hands
And let it go
Here's a chance to lose control

Here's a chance to lose control
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