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G-Eazy - But A Dream (Alex Lustig Remix (Audio)) was added to the Free2Music database on March 03, 2019. Published the day it was watched 746 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information






The Beautiful & Damned

Lyrics Title

But A Dream




Hip-Hop Rap


Yeah, Legendary swag, young god, stay drippin'
Spillin' champagne on a boat, big pimpin'
Life is but a dream, look bitch, stop trippin'

You know what it is, you know what it isn't
She just get it poppin' every time daddy visit
Drinking by the pool, go ahead and take a dip in
Life is but a dream, we livin', stop trippin'
You know what it is, you know what it isn't

I really put the work in, don't you ever try to play me
I would die a legend if today they JFK'd me
Ridin' in my ‘65 listening to Amy
I've been to hell and back and through it all remained the same me
I never gave a fuck, a million dollars couldn't change me
As long as Mark Zuckerberg's still got that zipped hoodie
I think about the journey and think what it did to me
I'm eating like a king until I've got a big tummy
Hair slicked backwards with a skin, fade taper
Captain Save-A-Hoe, never I, can't save her
She said I drive her Mad, Gerald's rap's Don Draper
All day I touch paper, bitch don't ask me no favor
If you wasn't here before it, your call, I ignore it
How quickly they forgive, these days I swear I can't support it
Six-hundred horsepower, I just hop inside and floor it
The money, I adore it, every year I'm getting more lit

Legendary swag, young god, stay drippin'
Spillin' champagne on a boat, big pimpin'
Life is but a dream, look bitch, stop trippin'
You know what it is, you know what it isn't
She just get it poppin' every time daddy visits
Drinking by the pool, go ahead and take a dip in
Life is but a dream, we livin', stop trippin'
You know what it is, you know what it isn't

She just so bad, make you take a second look
I fly out for a week, she just come to fuck and cook
And post by the pool, with her feet up, read a book
I text her "L.A.?" that was all it took
She clicks her heels three times, she'll be here by tonight
I text my travel agent name and birthday, it's a flight
When we was broke, I used to tell my moms we'd be alright
I'm gonna work the long nights and never be a fly-by-night
I put my plans in motion, I fly across the ocean
I popped before the flight so I could see her dreams in motion
And I be out in London, Dover Street, I goes in
Fuck that after-party money, spent that on some clothing
And I'm not trying to flex on those who be hatin'
This is for my little bruhs, just some inspiration
Everybody back home, serves as motivation
So go and get the money, get the dreams you been chasing

Legendary swag, young god, stay drippin'
Spillin' champagne on a boat, big pimpin'
Life is but a dream, look bitch, stop trippin'
You know what it is, you know what it isn't
She just get it poppin' every time daddy visits
Drinking by the pool, go ahead and take a dip in
Life is but a dream, we livin', stop trippin'
You know what it is, you know what it isn't
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