OMI & CMC$ - As Long As I'm With You

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OMI & CMC$ - As Long As I'm With You was added to the Free2Music database on January 21, 2019. Published the day it was watched 601 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Omi & CMC$

Lyrics Title

As Long as I'm with You






I like when you mess your hair up
Smile every time you wake up
Tonight we don't need to dress up
And I think you know that
We come from different places
Love has so many faces
So let the whole world chase us
And I think you know that

We can go all night
Just me and you, that's all we do
Let's just stay inside and explore the room
Even if we fight
There's always making up to do
We can go all night, my love

As long as I'm with you
As long as I'm with you

I tell you you're beautiful 'cause
I want you to feel secure
Nothing will ever change this
I need you to know that
We come from different places
Love has so many faces
So let the whole world chase us
And I think you know that

We can go all night
Just me and you, that's all we do
Let's just stay inside and explore the room
Even if we fight
There's always making up to do
We can go all night, my love

As long as I'm with you
As long as I'm with you
As long as I'm with you
As long as I'm with you
We can go all night
Just me and you, that's all we do
Let's just stay inside and explore the room
Even if we fight
There's always making up to do
We can go all night, my love
As long as I'm with you

Like when you mess your hair up
Smile every time you wake up
Tonight we don't need to dress up
And I think you know that

We can go all night
Just me and you, that's all we do
Let's just stay inside and explore the room
Even if we fight
There's always making up to do
We can go all night, my love

As long as I'm with you
As long as I'm with you
As long as I'm with you
As long as I'm with you
Long as I'm with you, baby
Long as I'm with you
Long as I'm with you, baby
Long as I'm with you, baby
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