Diamond Pistols - Midnight Magic (feat. Karra)

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Diamond Pistols - Midnight Magic (feat. Karra) was added to the Free2Music database on February 09, 2019. Published the day it was watched 547 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Diamond Pistols

Lyrics Title

Midnight Magic (feat. Karra)






Do you
Do you think about me
When the sun goes down

Ooh ya
I've been reminiscing
All those happy endings
Right now

It's so hard to keep my composure
Every time I'm half past sober
But I just can't sip away, sip away
The memory of you
Yeah, I'm about to lose it

I'm missin' that midnight magic
Ooh I ooh I gotta have it
Yeah you're like the baddest habit
Ooh that ooh that midnight magic
Midnight magic

Midnight midnight
Midnight midnight magic
Midnight midnight
Midnight midnight magic

You got
You got me mesmerized
You raised the bar so far
So high, top of the mountain, I
Never wanna never wanna fall

It's so hard to keep my composure
Every time I'm half past sober
But I just can't sip away, sip away
The memory of you
Yeah, I'm about to lose it

I'm missin' the midnight magic
Ooh I ooh I gotta have it
Yeah you're like the baddest habit
Ooh that ooh that midnight magic
Midnight magic

Midnight midnight
Midnight midnight magic
Midnight midnight
Midnight midnight magic

Midnight midnight
Midnight midnight magic
Midnight midnight
Midnight midnight magic
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