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Fifth Harmony - Reflection (Live on the Honda Stage at the iHeartRadio Theater LA) was added to the Free2Music database on January 30, 2019. Published the day it was watched 963 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Fifth Harmony


Reflection (Deluxe)

Lyrics Title







I must confess you lookin' fresh (so fresh)
Yup, I'm impressed, go 'head and flex (flex, turn up)
Everybody be hatin' the way that you stealin' the show

'Cause ooh, you be killing 'em just like Lil TerRio

Ooh, you can get it, anything you want (anything you want)
And can't nobody (can't nobody)
Ever tell you no (no, no)
Don't need no filters on pictures before you post 'em on the gram
You can shut down the internet, they don't even understand

They don't make 'em quite like you
No, no, ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh
It ain't braggin' if you know it's true

Where you from? Must be heaven
You'd be rich if looking good was your profession
Think I'm in love, 'cause you so sexy
Boy, I ain't talkin' about you, I'm talkin' to my own reflection

I'm talkin' to my own reflection
I'm talkin' to my own reflection
Boy, I ain't talkin' about you, I'm talkin' to my own reflection
I'm talkin' to my own reflection
I'm talkin' to my own reflection
Boy, I ain't talkin' 'bout you, I'm talkin' to my own reflection

Why you think I'm puttin' on my favorite perfume?
Why you think this dress so tight that I can barely move?
Why you think I'm dancin' in these uncomfortable shoes?
I did it all, I did it all, I did it all for you

Don't you ever get it confused
No, no, ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh
It ain't braggin' if you know it's true

Where you from? Must be heaven
You'd be rich if looking good was your profession
Think I'm in love, 'cause you so sexy
Boy, I ain't talkin' about you, I'm talkin' to my own reflection

I'm talkin' to my own reflection
I'm talkin' to my own reflection
Boy, I ain't talkin' about you, I'm talkin' to my own reflection
I'm talkin' to my own reflection
I'm talkin' to my own reflection
Boy, I ain't talkin' 'bout you, I'm talkin' to my own reflection

Mirror, mirror on the wall
Should I even return his call? (Snow White, Snow White)
Mirror, mirror on the wall
Should I even return his call?
Mirror, mirror on the wall
Should I even return his call?
Mirror, mirror on the wall
On the, on the, on-on the wall

Where you from? Must be heaven (okay)
You'd be rich if looking good was your profession (cha-ching)
Think I'm in love, 'cause you so sexy
Boy, I ain't talkin' about you, I'm talkin' to my own reflection

I'm talkin' to my own reflection
I'm talkin' to my own reflection
Boy, I ain't talkin' about you, I'm talkin' to my own reflection
I'm talkin' to my own reflection
I'm talkin' to my own reflection
Boy, I ain't talkin' 'bout you, I'm talkin' to my own reflection
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