Troye Sivan - Bloom (Live on the Honda Stage)

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Troye Sivan - Bloom (Live on the Honda Stage) was added to the Free2Music database on January 25, 2019. Published the day it was watched 786 times since. Other information about free music is below.

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Troye Sivan



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Take a trip into my garden
I've got so much to show ya
The fountains and the waters

Are begging just to know ya

And it's true, babe
I've been saving this for you, baby

I guess it's something like a fun fair
Put gas into the motor
And boy, I'll meet you right there
We'll ride the roller coaster

'Cause it's true, babe
I've been saving this for you, baby

I need you to, tell me right before it goes down
Promise me you'll, hold my hand if I get scared now
Might tell you to, take a second, baby, slow it down
You should know I, you should know I

Yeah I bloom, I bloom just for you
I bloom, just for you
Yeah I bloom, I bloom just for you
I bloom, just for you

Come on, baby, play me like a love song
Every time it comes on, I get this sweet desire
Yeah I bloom, I bloom just for you
I bloom, just for you

Now it's the perfect season
Yeah, let's go for it this time
We're dancing with the trees and
I've waited my whole life

It's true, baby
I've been saving this for you, baby

I need you to, tell me right before it goes down
Promise me you'll, hold my hand if I get scared now
Might tell you to, take a second, baby, slow it down
You should know I, you should know I

Yeah I bloom, I bloom just for you
I bloom, just for you
Yeah I bloom, I bloom just for you
I bloom, just for you

Come on, baby, play me like a love song
Every time it comes on, I get this sweet desire
Yeah I bloom, I bloom just for you
I bloom, just for you

Just for you
I bloom just for you
I bloom just for you
Baby, baby, I've been saving this for you, baby

Yeah I bloom, I bloom just for you
I bloom, just for you
Yeah I bloom, I bloom just for you
I bloom, just for you

Come on, baby, play me like a love song
Every time it comes on, I get this sweet desire
Yeah I bloom, I bloom just for you
I bloom, just for you

(Just for you)
I bloom just for you
I bloom just for you

(Just for you)
I bloom just for you
I bloom just for you
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