Backstreet Boys - Anywhere For You (AC3 Stereo)

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Backstreet Boys - Anywhere For You (AC3 Stereo) was added to the Free2Music database on January 23, 2019. Published the day it was watched 855 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Backstreet Boys


Backstreet Boys

Lyrics Title

Anywhere for You






Oh, yeah
I'd go anywhere for you, anywhere you asked me to

I'd do anything for you, anything you want me to
I'd walk halfway around the world, just one kiss from you
Far beyond the call of love, the sun, the stars, the moon
As long as your love is there to lead me, I won't lose my way, believe me
Even through the darkest night, you know
I'd go anywhere for you, anywhere you asked me to
I'd do anything for you, anything you want me to
Your love as far as I can see is all I'm ever gonna need

There's one thing for sure I know it's true, baby, I'd go anywhere for you
I used to think that dreams were just for sentimental fools
And I never find someone who'd give their love so true

But I knew the very minute, couldn't live my life without you in it
And now I want the whole wide world to know
I'd go anywhere for you, anywhere you asked me to
I'd do anything for you, anything you want me to
Your love as far as I can see is all I'm ever gonna need
There's one thing for sure I know it's true, baby, I'd go anywhere for you

Hey baby, hey baby, hey baby

Nah ooh, hey baby, hey baby
I'd go anywhere for you, anywhere you asked me to
I'd do anything for you, anything you want me to
Your love as far as I can see is all I'm ever gonna need
There's one thing for sure I know it's true
Baby, I'd go anywhere for you, anywhere you asked me to
I'd do anything for you, anything you want me to
Your love as far as I can see is all I'm ever gonna need
There's one thing for sure I know it's true, baby, I'd go anywhere for you
For you
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