CADE - Strip Club (feat. Lil Aaron)

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CADE - Strip Club (feat. Lil Aaron) was added to the Free2Music database on January 22, 2019. Published the day it was watched 569 times since. Other information about free music is below.

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Lyrics Title

Strip Club (feat. Lil Aaron)






Met her at the strip club
Wasn't tryna fall in love
Then she found out who I was
Now she tryna fall in love
Told her we should get drunk
'Cause I got everything you want
Wasn’t tryna fall in love
Now she tryna fall in love

Been around the world
Way too many girls
Everything is cool
Wearing Louie shoes
Money on my mind
Never checking price
Baby’s twenty-two
Ain’t it funny

Tell me what it do though
She a baddie hotter than the view though
She make wrong feel right and that’s the truth though
Make me always wanna spend the moola
Tell me what it do though
Got a condo, you should come through though
And the bed’s real nice, and the view though
Bring a friend or a couple, got a few hoes

Met her at the strip club
Wasn't tryna fall in love
Then she found out who I was
Now she tryna fall in love
Told her we should get drunk
'Cause I got everything you want
Wasn’t tryna fall in love
Now she tryna fall in love

Swear we do this every weekend
I ain’t got no need to pretend
Pregaming that’s the pretense
All bottles on the weekend
Swear we do this every weekend
I ain’t got no need to pretend
Pregaming that’s the pretense
All bottles on the weekend

Been around the world
I met hella girls
Ain’t no girl like you
Tell me what it do
Can you put it down
Like no one around
Ain’t no girl like you
Tell me what it

Tell me what it do though
Got a condo you should come through though
The bed’s real nice and the view though
Bring a friend or a couple got a few hoes, yeah
So tell me what it do though
Got a condo you should come through though
The bed’s real nice and the view though
Bring a friend or a couple, got a few hoes

Met her at the strip club
Wasn't tryna fall in love
Then she found out who I was
Now she tryna fall in love
Told her we should get drunk
'Cause I got everything you want
Wasn’t tryna fall in love
Now she tryna fall in love

Swear we do this every weekend
I ain’t got no need to pretend
Pregaming that’s the pretense
All bottles on the weekend
Swear we do this every weekend
I ain’t got no need to pretend
Pregaming that’s the pretense
All bottles on the weekend

Wasn't tryna fall in love
Now she tryna fall in love
Wasn't tryna fall in love
Now she tryna fall in love
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