Ta-ku & Wafia - Meet In the Middle | A COLORS SHOW

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Ta-ku & Wafia - Meet In the Middle | A COLORS SHOW was added to the Free2Music database on January 12, 2019. Published the day it was watched 614 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Ta-ku & Wafia

Lyrics Title

Meet In the Middle






You could be my everything
Take me for what I am
You could be the only reason
Flow through my veins

Caught up in your empty space
Everyone around you is so commonplace
Couldn't find the reasons why you'd wanna stay
I could be the one who makes this go away
Makes this go away

People have opinions, doesn't mean I have to listen
There's something 'bout you that just keep me compromising
Don't speak your language, I'll be fluent in the morning

Talk just a little, let's meet in the middle, babe
Talk just a little, let's meet in the middle, babe
Talk just a little, let's meet in the middle, babe
Talk just a little, let's meet in the middle, babe

Your friends, they say I'm not your type
If they were at my level, we'd see eye to eye
I'll be accommodating if it soothes your mind
Cause, boy, you know I'll always go that extra mile
Extra mile

Only when you want it, babe
You tend to forget everything I've ever said
This middle ground is shaking I can barely stand
Girl that's why I always keep you close at hand

People have opinions, doesn't mean I have to listen
There's something 'bout you that just keeps me compromising
Don't speak your language, I'll be fluent in the morning

Talk just a little, let's meet in the middle babe
Talk just a little, let's meet in the middle babe
Talk just a little, let's meet

You could be my everything
Take me for what I am
You could be the only reason
Flow through my veins
You could be my everything
Talk just a little
Take me for what I am
Meet in the middle, babe
You could be the only reason
Talk just a little
Flow through my veins
Meet in the middle, babe
Talk just a little
Meet in the middle, babe
Talk just a little
Meet in the middle, babe
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