Music Detail

Blood Command - High Five For Life (Savant Remix Get Yogurt Edit) was added to the Free2Music database on January 23, 2019. Published the day it was watched 797 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Blood Command


Funeral Beach

Lyrics Title

High Five for Life






Do you really know about the primitives carved in black with toxics from the swarm?
Don't wanna go to the burial underneath the number of the scorn.

So please, baby please, won't you please take me home?
I don't wanna wander off alone.

Beggars on the run, will be eating their hands off in euphoria, you'll bet.
Just brace the gun until its causing the breeders to admonish all regret.
This bloody carnage is getting over, leaving all planes 'cause its getting colder.
On to the wonderful death, 'cause if you thrive like that you must render the debt.

So please, baby please, won't you please take me home?
I don't wanna wander off alone.

'Cause you're kind of like vanilla ice, you're kind of like vanilla ice, ice baby.
And my mama said that ain't no good.

So please, baby please, won't you please take me home?
I don't wanna wander off alone.

'Cause you're kind of like vanilla ice, you're kind of like vanilla ice, ice baby.
And my mama said that ain't no good.
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