David Guetta - This One's for You (feat. Zara Larsson) (UEFA EURO 2016™)

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David Guetta - This One's for You (feat. Zara Larsson) (UEFA EURO 2016™) was added to the Free2Music database on January 13, 2019. Published the day it was watched 687 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




David Guetta

Lyrics Title

This One's for You (feat. Zara Larsson)






We're born to fly
So let's keep livin' 'til it all falls down
Let's close our eyes
And let the moment drive the whole world out

We're in this together
Hear our hearts beat together
We stand strong together
We're in this forever
This one's for you
This one's for you

Wavin' colored flags
We won't surrender, there's no standin' down
Love's a playin' field
It's full of winners, we're breakin' new ground

We're in this together
Hear our hearts beat together
We stand strong together
We're in this forever
This one's for you
This one's for you

In this together
Woah, woah

We're in this together
Hear our hearts beat together
We stand strong together
We're in this forever
This one's for you
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