Luke Combs - I Got Away with You (Audio)

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Luke Combs - I Got Away with You (Audio) was added to the Free2Music database on January 03, 2019. Published the day it was watched 808 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Luke Combs


This One's for You

Lyrics Title

I Got Away with You






Well I got caught in Panama City
Tryin' to buy some beer for some Georgia girls
And I got wore out by my daddy
For stealin' cigarettes from the Smokes and More
And all my friends would get away
Seems I'd get caught, plain as day
I took the blame for every little thing

But I got away with you
And somehow l still ain't been found out
It's a crazy truth
Like l strolled out the gates of Alcatraz
And l walked in the Louvre
Now the Mona Lisa's hanging in my house
I bust out of Buckingham with the crown jewels
And l got away with you

Well lookin' like you do
On its damn own, should be a crime
Let alone a fool like me
Hand in hand with you, should be doin' time
But here we are runnin' free
Guess someone turned the other cheek
'Cause there ain't no blue lights in the rear view

Guess I got away with you
And somehow l still ain't been found out
It's a crazy truth
Like l strolled out the gates of Alcatraz
And l walked in the Louvre
Now the Mona Lisa's hanging in my house
I bust out of Buckingham with the crown jewels
And l got away with you

I'll take it all, the fails, the falls
The county jails and one phone calls
I'd do it all again if I had to

'Cause I got away with you
Somehow girl, I still ain't been found out
It's a crazy truth
Like l strolled out the gates of Alcatraz
And l walked in the Louvre
Now the Mona Lisa's hanging in my house
I bust out of Buckingham with the crown jewels
And l got away with you
When l got away with you
Yeah, I got away with you
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