Witchblades - lil peep x lil tracy

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Witchblades - lil peep x lil tracy was added to the Free2Music database on December 30, 2018. Published the day it was watched 665 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Lil Peep & Lil Tracy

Lyrics Title







Switchblades, cocaine
Gothboiclique make a hoe shake
Black fur, black coat

Gothboiclique in the back hoe
Switchblades, cocaine
Gothboiclique till my soul take
Black jeans, half black hoes
Gothboiclique in the castle

In high school I was a loner
I was a reject, I was a poser
Multiple personalities, I'm bipolar
I swear I mean well, I'm still going to hell
Witchcraft, love chants
Whisper in my ear, put me in a trance
Cocaine all night long
When I die bury with all my ice on
Witchcraft, love chants
Whisper in my ear, put me in a trance
Cocaine all night long

When I die bury with all my ice on

When I die bury me with all my ice on
When I die bury me without the lights on
Lights off, nightlights
Clothes off baby I got good white
When I die bury me with all my ice on
When I die bury me without the lights on
Lights off, nightlights
Clothes off baby I got good white
Clothes off baby I got good white
Tell me a secret, and I'll tell one of mines
I just wanna talk, I don't wanna fight
Ask me if I'm alright, do you want me to lie?
Switchblades, cocaine
Gothboiclique make a hoe shake
Black fur, black coat
Gothboiclique in the back hoe
Switchblades, cocaine
Gothboiclique till my soul take
Black jeans, half black hoes
Gothboiclique in the castle
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