Music Detail

Jackson Dyer - Steal Away (A COLORS SHOW) was added to the Free2Music database on January 08, 2019. Published the day it was watched 710 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Jackson Dyer

Lyrics Title

Steal Away






Six hours north, of our city
Walls of plasterboard, a roof of modesty
A steady assembly interwoven

With childhood memories of rapture unspoken

We'll steal away, we'll steal away
Find calm amongst the gentle crystal waves
We'll steal away, we'll steal away
Find solace in the longest of summer days

We'll see the stars, grandeur unhindered
A fire on the beach, serenaded by the cinders
And as we pace back, through the silent dunes
Along a moonlit track, beneath a cinema of sacred hues

We'll steal away, we'll steal away
Find calm amongst the gentle crystal waves
We'll steal away, we'll steal away
Find solace in the longest of summer days

And I've been yearning for a quiet place
And I've been yearning for you

And I've been yearning for a quiet place
And I've been yearning for you

And I've been yearning for a quiet place
And I've been yearning for you

And I've been yearning for a quiet place
And I've been yearning for you
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