GlokkNine - Jit (WSHH Exclusive)

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GlokkNine - Jit (WSHH Exclusive) was added to the Free2Music database on January 05, 2019. Published the day it was watched 655 times since. Other information about free music is below.

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Ay what it is
Shout out to my G
And my nigga he gon shoot you like a 3

Let me tell you 'bout my life when I was a Jitterbug
I was toting all them tools and looking up the cut
Fucked around dropped out of school 'cause I wasn't learning nothing
I went to school really I was tryna hunt yo son
I put that tooly in my girdle
I cut the pages out my book stuffed it with marijuana
I got the gas all in the school for you organ donors
Remember all over the news but I just kept it humble
And it's some shit that I done did that make a nigga wonder
I'm talking jumping off a bridge and almost going under
And you would've thought I was Paul George the way I brought the thunder
And it's some shit that I won't own up to, that's on my momma, keep it humble

Now who gotta go I been on the road
Make a nigga strike a pose strike a pose with the forty (ay, ay)
Chair hit the floor
Swing the door
Robbing to come up, I'm talking after hours
Poke your window while your home looking all in your shower
He off that before he hit that don't know that that's a downer
He cuffing bots who come up out that boy be fucking clowning

Let me tell you 'bout my life when I was a Jit lil boy
I was toting all them tools and looking up the
Fucked around dropped out of school 'cause I wasn't learning nothing
I went to school I was tryna hunt yo son
I put that tooly in my girdle
I cut the pages out my book stuffed it with marijuana
I got the gas all in the school for you organ donors
Remember all over the news but I just kept it humble
And it's some shit that I done did that make a nigga wonder
I'm talking ducking dodging bids and almost going under
And you would've thought I was Paul George the way I brought the thunder
And it's some shit that I won't own up to, that's on my momma, keep it humble

I won't ever change its the same me
Niggas always change but the world remains the same
My nigga will paint your fucking white teeth
I put that on 11 nine that's on Martin she squeak
Feeling like a beast I can't be tamed, G
Where the fuck his collar put this dog up on a leash
you lil bitch
Ay remember granny's house, getting whoopings with a switch

Let me tell you 'bout my life when I was a Jit lil boy
I was toting all them tools and looking up the
Fucked around dropped out of school 'cause I wasn't learning nothing
I went to school I was tryna hunt yo son
I put that tooly in my girdle
I cut the pages out my book stuffed it with marijuana
I got the gas all in the school for you organ donors
Remember all over the news but I just kept it humble
And it's some shit that I done did that make a nigga wonder
I'm talking ducking dodging bids and almost going under
And you would've thought I was Paul George the way I brought the thunder
And it's some shit that I won't own up to, that's on my momma, keep it humble

I swear all that did was make me take a risk
I got these red bottoms on flag matching with my kicks (soowoo)
I swear I never had this shit when I was a jit
So Lil Nine gon' show his ass, seven figures bitch I'm rich
I'm plugged in like I'm at the socket
I'm tryna take over bitch, James Harden, Houston Rockets
Why you rapping like you want it, need to stop it
This shit gang gang still, pussy boy proceed with caution

Let me tell you 'bout my life when I was a Jitterbug
I was toting all them tools and looking up the
Fucked around dropped out of school 'cause I wasn't learning nothing
I went to school I was tryna hunt yo son
I put that tooly in my girdle
I cut the pages out my book stuffed it with marijuana
I got the gas all in the school for you organ donors
Remember all over the news but I just kept it humble
And it's some shit that I done did that make a nigga wonder
I'm talking ducking dodging bids and almost going under
And you would've thought I was Paul George the way I brought the thunder
And it's some shit that I won't own up to, that's on my momma, keep it humble
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