Motorcycle - As The Rush Comes

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Music Detail

Motorcycle - As The Rush Comes was added to the Free2Music database on November 25, 2018. Published the day it was watched 823 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information






As the Rush Comes - EP

Lyrics Title

As the Rush Comes




Electronic Dance Pop


Travellin' somewhere, could be anywhere
Theres a coldness in the air, but I don't care
We drift deeper, life goes on
We drift deeper, into the sound
Travellin' somewhere, could be anywhere
Theres a coldness in the air, but I don't care
We drift deeper into the sound, life goes on
We drift deeper into the sound, feeling strong
So bring it on, so bring it on
We drift deeper into the sound, life goes on
We drift deeper into the sound, feeling strong
So bring it on, so bring it on
We drift deep
We drift deeper, life goes on
We drift deeper, drift deeper
We drift deeper into the sound, life goes on
We drift deeper into the sound, feeling strong
So bring it on, so bring it on
We drift deeper into the sound, life goes on
We drift deeper into the sound, feeling strong
So bring it on, so bring it on
Embrace me; surround me, as the rush comes
Embrace me; surround me, as the rush comes
Embrace me; surround me, as the rush comes
Embrace me; surround me, as the rush comes
Embrace me; surround me, as the rush comes
Embrace me; surround me, as the rush comes
Embrace me; surround me, as the rush comes
As the rush comes
As the rush comes
As the rush comes
As the rush comes
As the rush comes
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