Why Don't We - Nobody Gotta Know

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Why Don't We - Nobody Gotta Know was added to the Free2Music database on December 11, 2018. Published the day it was watched 1,118 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Why Don't We


Only the Beginning - EP

Lyrics Title

Nobody Gotta Know






Take the time with me tonight
You should come with me tonight
We can feel the free tonight

Nobody Gotta Know

I've been missin'
I've been crushin' on you all night
I should take you to the moon
It's a long flight
We should chill me and you if it's alright
You should be my, you should be mine

See, i've been trying to find the right way to say to you
That i would walk a million miles if i'm not with you
And there is no one else
That ever could compare to you

Take the time with me tonight
You should come with me tonight
We can feel the free tonight
Nobody Gotta Know

And if they try to tell us wrong from right
We'll fix it in the night alive
Cause this is what we are tonight
Nobody Gotta Know
Nobody Gotta Know
Nobody Gotta Know
Nobody Gotta Know
Nobody Gotta Know

I've been missin'
I've been crushin' on you all night
I should take you to the moon
It's a long flight
We should chill me and you if it's alright
You should be my, you should be mine

See, i've been trying to find the right way to say to you
That i would walk a million miles if i'm not with you
And there is no one else
That ever could compare to you

Take the time with me tonight
You should come with me tonight
We can feel the free tonight
Nobody Gotta Know

And if they try to tell us wrong from right
We'll fix it in the night alive
Cause this is what we are tonight
Nobody Gotta Know
Nobody Gotta Know
Nobody Gotta Know
Nobody Gotta Know
Nobody Gotta Know
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