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Miley Cyrus - BB Talk was added to the Free2Music database on December 16, 2018. Published the day it was watched 888 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Miley Cyrus


Miley Cyrus & Her Dead Petz

Lyrics Title

BB Talk






Alright, so this is really fucked up, but
Alright, I was sleeping next to him,
but I was dreaming about the other dude
And then, all of a sudden,
everything that he fucking did just made me cringe
And it was so hard to fall in, but so easy to just fall back right out again
And this whole time,
I could give to you and I could paint you pictures
But I guess I could just never write a song and then
Maybe I never fell out of love with him in the first place
I mean, I-I don't want to feel this feeling 'cause my energy's just so strong
That I don't know if I'm creating this or if this is actually what is meant to be
And you know they, they say that you gotta think what you want into existence

But you know what?
I haven't been too good at making decisions, so
I have no idea what the fuck I want, I guess

You're giving me a feeling in my head
Laying in my bed, just thinking
Not really feeling like the one I want
It's everything in me not to call him

I really, really, really wanted to
I told all my friends I'm moving on
Your baby talk is creeping me out
Fuck me so you stop baby talking

You know what, in the beginning it was like
We were fucking homies and shit and then
All of a sudden you started with some fucking baby goo-goo tongue down my fucking throat
I mean, even in front of your mom
Dude, as if I'm not fucking awkward enough
I mean, you put me in these fucking situations where I look like a dumbass bitch

And I'm not a fucking dumbass bitch
You know, I-I hate all that fucking PDA
I probably hate it more than your fucking friends do
You know, it's, it's sweet and you couldn't be more opposite of my last dickhead but
You know, it's - I don't know if I can get over the fucking goo

You keep saying, again and again
We're laying in my bed, just talking

And now I know I can't hold it back
I'm feeling like I'm gonna vomit
I don't really want an older you
I heard I change my mind with you often
Baby talk is creeping me out
Fuck me so you stop baby talking

Alright so, I'm gonna be honest
It's-it's the super cutey shit, that's the main issue here
I mean, I'm fucking what?
Look, I like when you send me, you know,
he-the queen emoji
But when I send back the monkey, you know the ones with the-the hands over the eyes
That means that shit's just getting a little too weird for me
And I mean, I don't wanna say it person,
I just, like, bury my head in your armpit which

Weirdly smells good and your hair and your fucking teeth
Like, why the fuck would I wanna lick your teeth?
But I do
And remember there was that one time that I had like a 15 minute
Well, that was kind of the best thing in the entire world
You know, maybe I could just get past this shit and I could get used to someone, you know, giving a fuck
I'm sorry I called you a creep and that thing about the vomit
I mean, look, I'm really starting to be in this whole thing
But no matter what you do, homegirl can't handle the fucking goo
Fuck me so you stop baby talking
Fuck me so you stop baby talking
Fuck me so you stop baby talking
Fuck me so you stop baby talking
I don't really want an older you
I heard I change my mind with you often
Baby talk is creeping me out
Fuck me so you stop baby talking.
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