Chris Brown - Same S**t (Audio)

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Music Detail

Chris Brown - Same S**t (Audio) was added to the Free2Music database on December 15, 2018. Published the day it was watched 742 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Chris Brown


Heartbreak on a Full Moon (Deluxe Edition): Cuffing Season - 12 Days of Christmas

Lyrics Title

Same S**t




R&B Soul


I'll take you to the promised land (yeah, uh-huh)
Elevate your mind, body and your soul, girl (soul)
To the promised land (uh-huh)
Elevate your mind, body and your soul, girl (woo)

Ain't no other feeling better than you here, girl (aw yeah)
I swear, I'm up late night scrolling through your pictures
Wanna know,
wanna know if I'm still on your mind (baby, do I cross your mind?)
Going to your favorite places hoping I'd run into you, I can't lie

It's the same shit, just a different day
I keep thinking ‘bout you, oh
Same shit, just a different girl
But ain't nothing like you, oh (oh, woo)
Do you love me? Oh baby, do you?
Do you love me? Me, me, what about me?

I dedicate, dedicate this to you (oh)
For every word, I ever said to you (oh)
All you ever wanted was a shoulder
You can hold on, oh yeah, oh yeah, girl

Ain't no other feeling better than you here, girl (you here, girl)
Got a nigga fucked up when I'm scrolling through your pictures
Wondering if I'm still on your mind
Tryna have this conversation with the love of my life but it's the

Same shit, just a different day
I keep thinking ‘bout you (‘bout you)
Same shit, just a different girl
But ain't nothing like you, oh (oh)
Do you love me? love me? (Yeah)
Do you love me? Do you love? Me, me, what about me?

I dedicate, dedicate this to you
For every word, I ever said to you
All you ever wanted was a shoulder
You can hold on, oh yeah, oh yeah, girl

Ain't no other feeling better than you here, girl (you here, girl)
Got a nigga fucked up when I'm scrolling through your pictures
Wondering if I'm still on your mind
Tryna have this conversation with the love of my life but it's the

Same shit, it's the same shit, girl, you know it is
Don't be acting stuck up, you gotta let it go
Give a damn ‘bout your pride
I've been feining ‘bout you
My nightmares, I'm dreaming ‘bout you
I might have to see the doctor
‘Cause I can't make it 'til tomorrow

Same shit, just a different day
I keep thinking ‘bout you
Same shit, just a different, girl
But, ain't nothing like you (oh)
Do you love me? Love me
Do you love me? Me, me, what a hoe

Same shit, just a different day
I keep thinking ‘bout you
Same shit, just a different girl
But, ain't nothing like you (oh, oh)
Do you love me?
Do you love me? Me
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