Takeoff - None To Me (Audio)

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Takeoff - None To Me (Audio) was added to the Free2Music database on December 04, 2018. Published the day it was watched 748 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information






The Last Rocket

Lyrics Title

None to Me




Hip-Hop Rap


The fame, the money, the cars,
the sexual glory that goes with all of that apparently
It was represented in this

You know the culture wave we created
Is more than a lifestyle

I spend this money but it's nothin' to me (Chonies)
I fuck hoes but it's nothin' to me (Hoes)
Designer clothes, it ain't nothin' to me (Designer clothes)
And I told all my day one niggas that they coming with me
Tryna make a way for gang so we all can eat (We all can eat)
Drinking red ever since they took
that purple from me (That Act from me)
Stuck in bed, I can't move 'cause this syrup on me (This syrup on me)
She hit the cup, I ask her, then she 'bout to hurl on me? (Hurl on me)

Every time my life get a pop, make me wanna drop somethin'
Like lookin' at my money stacked,
that's why the whip, I ain't bought one
Not that I can't get one, or not that I don't want one
So booked, if I even got it, I wouldn't have time to drive one
Thinking about that LaFerrari, bout to go and find one
Had a dream about a Sky-Dweller,
then I woke up and went and bought one
The feelin' ain't the same, can't explain if you ain't got one
When it's wrapped around your wrist, I can't explain it
Some people let the money change 'em (Change)
And I'd still rather be rich than be famous
I seen it with my own eyes (Eyes)
My brother changed up on me for dead guys
Can't look 'em in the face cause he got red eyes (Red)
Far from I know, he a demon
When I found out he was scheming
Lookin' at that footage gave me the red eyes (Could've cried)
I couldn't believe it, it's all good
It show down for me (Down)

I spend this money but it's nothin' to me (Chonies)
I fuck hoes but it's nothin' to me (Hoes)
Designer clothes, it ain't nothin' to me (Designer clothes)
And I told all my day one niggas that they coming with me
Tryna make a way for gang so we all can eat (We all can eat)
Drinking red ever since they took
that purple from me (That Act from me)
Stuck in bed, I can't move 'cause this syrup on me (This syrup on me)
She hit the cup, I ask her did she bite the Earl on me? (Earl on me)

Designer clothes
Gang Gang
We all can eat
That Act from me
That syrup on me
That syrup on me
I spend this money but it's nothin' to me
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