Gucci Mane - I'm Not Goin' (feat. Kevin Gates)

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Music Detail

Gucci Mane - I'm Not Goin' (feat. Kevin Gates) was added to the Free2Music database on December 17, 2018. Published the day it was watched 667 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Gucci Mane

Lyrics Title

I'm Not Goin' (feat. Kevin Gates)




Hip-Hop Rap


Drop top, huh
Evil Knievel
I ain't really finna tell y’all how to get away with murder and shit

They told me stop buying all these fancy cars
They told me, "Please take all your diamonds off"
I'm gettin' too rich to fly commercial flights
They wanna lock me up like Suge Knight
I know that bitch want me to go for that (But I don’t wanna)
But I'm too rich to put my dick in that (Bitch, I'm not goin')
I hit that bitch way back, I gave her back ('Cause I don't want her)
They love my drip, you know I'm statin' facts (I’m not goin’)

I'm a CEO, I keep it cordial with an artist, I just don’t politic
These women been giving me compliments
Focused, I can't acknowledge this
Astonishment, ugh
Look at how the game transformed overnight
Felt like I was just gettin' read my rights
Look at how the ice hittin' under them lights
Married to the game, we ain’t throwin' no rice
All-gray sweats with the white G-Nikes
Ain't too much changed, got too much change
Come to think about it, I was lookin' at life
Stack, invest, nigga don't just rap
Talkin' 'bout dap, nigga can't do that
Fetch me the keys, I mean remote
Car got a button, I'm 'bout to float
I'm organized, it's lookin' organized
'Cause the front the house looks like a parking lot
Take off the shirt, check out the work
Body scribbled like a Marks-a-Lot
Bandana Louis, no vest, and a fully
Buyin' dogs, I'm investin' in bullies
I came from that, I perfected my juggin'
Diamond teeth, got a watch full of boogers
Got a chef, vegetarian cookin'
Cameraman, get professional footage

They told me stop buying all these fancy cars (But I don't wanna)
They told me, "Please take all your diamonds off" (But I'm not goin')
I'm gettin' too rich to fly commercial flights ('Cause I don't wanna)
They wanna lock me up like Suge Knight (But I'm not goin')
I know that bitch want me to go for that (But I don't wanna)
But I'm too rich to put my dick in that (Bitch, I'm not goin')
I hit that bitch way back, I gave her back ('Cause I don't want her)
They love my drip, you know I'm statin' facts (I'm not goin')

The world's most hate-able, currently unavailable
Solo roof, I'm hater-proof, pull up, watch what the haters do
Gucci's antisocial, bipolar, he's unrelatable
Heard he wrote a novel, got labels, but you can't label him
Independent labels, they model him and they study him
Hood rich lingo, he model, but he not stuntin' them
Northern people come 'round me, flex, start talkin' Southern now
Movin' like the governor, fuck it, bitch, I'm the governor
I'm the new Puffy, fuck it, the new 50
I'm the new Baby (Bling), fuck it, the new Jimmy
Big rock frigid (Yeah), fuckin' up hoes' vision
Coupe, no ceilin', ceilin' has gone missing

They told me stop buying all these fancy cars (But I don't wanna)
They told me, "Please take all your diamonds off" (But I'm not goin')
I'm gettin' too rich to fly commercial flights ('Cause I don't wanna)
They wanna lock me up like Suge Knight (But I'm not goin')
I know that bitch want me to go for that (But I don't wanna)
But I'm too rich to put my dick in that (Bitch, I'm not goin')
I hit that bitch way back, I gave her back ('Cause I don't want her)
They love my drip, you know I'm statin' facts (I'm not goin')
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