Britney Spears - (You Drive Me) Crazy

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Music Detail

Britney Spears - (You Drive Me) Crazy was added to the Free2Music database on December 17, 2018. Published the day it was watched 1,025 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Britney Spears


Greatest Hits: My Prerogative

Lyrics Title

(You Drive Me) Crazy






Baby, I'm so into you
You've got that something, what can I do?
Baby, you spin me around, oh

The earth is movin', but I can't feel the ground
Every time you look at me
My heart is jumpin', it's easy to see
Loving you means so much more
More than anything I ever felt before

You drive me crazy, I just can't sleep
I'm so excited, I'm in too deep
Oooh, crazy, but it feels all right
Baby, thinkin' of you keeps me up all night

Tell me you're so into me
That I'm the only one you will see
Tell me I'm not in the blue, oh
That I'm not wastin' my feelings on you
Loving you means so much more
More than anything I ever felt before

You drive me crazy, I just can't sleep
I'm so excited, I'm in too deep
Oooh, crazy, but it feels all right
Baby, thinkin' of you keeps me up all night

Crazy, I just can't sleep
I'm so excited, I'm in too deep
Crazy, but it feels all right
Every day and every night

You drive me crazy (you drive me crazy, baby)
I'm so excited, I'm in too deep
Oooh, crazy (you make me feel all right)
Baby, thinking of you keeps me up all night

You drive me crazy (you drive me crazy, baby)
Yeah, yeah
Oooh crazy, but it feels all right
Baby, thinking of you keeps me up all night
Baby, thinking of you keeps me up all night
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