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Enrique Iglesias - Can You Hear Me was added to the Free2Music database on December 16, 2018. Published the day it was watched 635 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Enrique Iglesias


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Lyrics Title

Can You Hear Me






Can you hear me?

I am numb but i can still feel you
Sometimes I’m blind but I see you
You are here but so far away
The times when you want to Im missing you
Makes me feel like I’m spinning
Sometimes you get what you gain

I’m on a course of collision
Am not about to give in
Can’t explain my position or the condition that I’m in
Where I am is no limit, no walls, no ceilings
No intermission, so let
Let the party begin

Hey.. Hey.. Hey all the way
DJ let it play
Hey Hey Can You Hear Me?
Hey.. Hey.. Hey all the way
DJ let it play
Hey Hey Can You Hear Me?

Can You Hear Me?
Can You Hear Me?
Can You Hear Me?
Can You Hear Me?

Don’t you mean that you’re my vision
I got to make a decision
Do I go, do I stay? (Stay)
You’ve gotten into my system
You are in control of my mental
I’m in a euphoric state

I’m on a course of collision
Am not about to give in
Can’t explain my position or the condition that I’m in
Where I am is no limit, no walls, no ceilings
No intermission, so let
Let the party begin

Hey, hey, hey all the way
DJ let it play
Hey hey can you hear me?
(Can you hear me?)
Hey, hey, hey all the way
DJ let it play
Hey hey can you hear me?

Ooow Ooow Ooow Ooow Ooow Ooow
Can you hear me? (Ooow)
Can you hear me? (Ooow)
Can you hear me? (Ooow)
Can you hear me? (Ooow)
Can you hear me?

Hey, hey, hey all the way
DJ let it play
Hey hey can you hear me? (Can you hear me?)
Hey, hey, hey all the way
DJ let it play
Hey hey can you hear me? (Can you hear me?) ooow
Hey, hey, hey all the way
DJ let it play
Hey hey can you hear me?
Hey, hey, hey all the way
DJ let it play
Hey hey can you hear me? (Can you hear me?) ooow
Hey, hey, hey all the way
DJ let it play
Hey hey can you hear me? (Can you hear me?) ooow
Hey, hey, hey all the way
DJ let it play
Hey hey can you hear me? (Can you hear me?)

Enrique, Yeah I can
This is Mr Morales
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