Music Detail

Sara Bareilles - Tightrope was added to the Free2Music database on December 19, 2018. Published the day it was watched 523 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Sara Bareilles

Lyrics Title







Some people long for a life that is
Simple and planned, tied with a ribbon
Some people won't sail the sea

'Cause they're safer on land
To follow what's written but I'd follow you to the great unknown
Off to a world we call our own

Hand in my hand and we promise to never let go
We're walking a tightrope
High in the sky we can see the whole world down below
We're walking a tightrope
Never sure, never know how far we could fall

But it's all an adventure that comes with a breathtaking view
Walking a tightrope with you

Mountains and valleys and all that will come in between
Desert and ocean
You pulled me in and together we're lost in a dream
Oh, he's in motion so I risk it all
Just to be with you
And I'll risk it all for this life we choose

Hand in my hand and you promise to never let go
We're walking a tightrope
High in the sky we can see the whole world down below
We're walking a tightrope
Never sure, but you catch me if I should fall

Well, it's all an adventure that comes with a breathtaking view
Walking the tightrope
With you
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