Music Detail

Childish Gambino - Sober was added to the Free2Music database on December 20, 2018. Published the day it was watched 925 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Childish Gambino


Kauai - EP

Lyrics Title





Electronic Hip-Hop Rap


And now that's it's over
I'll never be sober
I couldn't believe

But now I'm so high
And now that's it's over
I'll never be sober
I couldn't believe

But now I'm so high
Now I'm so high
Now I'm so high
Now I'm so high

What's your problem

Cause I know it's hard sometimes
Baby just give it some time
Oh honey now girl
We can solve them
If you just give me some time I can open up your mind

If you le-le-let it shine
You can free-ee-ee your mind

Cause I know
And now that's it's over
I'll never be sober

I couldn't believe
But now I'm so high
And now that's it's over

I'll never be sober
I couldn't believe
But now I'm so high

Now I'm so high
Now I'm so high
Now I'm so high
If it's done right
Well you know it's got to be
Something wonderful to me
Oh honey now girl
Give it one night
If you just give it a chance
Loving you is not my plan
Cause I know one day you'll see
All the things that we can be
And now that's it's over
I'll never be sober
(I want to be the only one)
I couldn't believe
But now I'm so high
And now that's it's over
I'll never be sober
I couldn't believe
But now I'm so high
But now I'm so
And now that's it's over
I'll never be sober
I couldn't believe
But now I'm so high
Now I'm so high
Now I'm so high
Now I'm so high
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