Music Detail

The Chainsmokers - New York City (Dash Berlin Remix Audio) was added to the Free2Music database on December 25, 2018. Published the day it was watched 789 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




The Chainsmokers


Bouquet - EP

Lyrics Title

New York City






To know what it's like to love somebody the way I love you
To know what it's like to love somebody the way I love you
To know how it feels to kill yourself with bad habits

To know what you want, know you'll never truly have it

New York City, please go easy on me tonight
New York City, please go easy on this heart of mine
Cause I'm losing my lover to the arms of another
New York City, please go easy on me tonight

When I went away, saw your face in my rear-view
I know that look on your face, that I had lost you

New York City, please go easy on me tonight
New York City, please go easy on this heart of mine
Cause I'm losing my lover to the arms of another
New York City, please go easy on me tonight

You promised, I promised
I never knew I could be this selfish
Nights downtown, it's a new town
But I keep thinking I see your face in the crowd
But you're not here and you won't be
Cause you love me enough to let go of me

New York City, please go easy on me tonight
New York City, please go easy on this heart of mine
Cause I'm losing my lover to the arms of another
New York City, please go easy on me tonight
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