Jennifer Lopez - Get Right

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Jennifer Lopez - Get Right was added to the Free2Music database on December 03, 2018. Published the day it was watched 1,483 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Jennifer Lopez

Lyrics Title

Get Right






You're lokin' just a little too hard at me
Standin' just a little too close to me
You're sayin' not quite enough to me
You're sippin' just a little too slow for me
No doubt you're playin' real cool homie
Got me thinkin' what is it you do for me
Trippin' (trippin') a little more than I should be
So let yourself go and get right with me!

I'm about to sign you up
We can get right before the night is up
we can ohhohhh, get right
We can ohhhhhh, get right
We can get right

I'm about to fill your cup
We can get right before the night is up
we can ohhohhh, get right
We can ohhhhhh, get right

We can get right
Your lips talkin' about I play too much
Can't a woman take advantage of what she wants?
My hips movin' oh so slow (so slow)
Bar tab lookin' like a car note (car note)
All I need is you here right by my side
Take whatever you want baby let's ride
And whatever you won't do let me decide

Just put your name on the dotted line
I'm about to sign you up
We can get right before the night is up
We can ohhhhhhh, get right We can ohhhhhhh, get right

We can get right
I'm about to fill your cup
We can get right before the night is up
we can ohhohhh, get right

We can ohhhhhh, get right
We can get right
So much we got to say, but so little time
And if tonight ain't long enough
don't leave love behind

(don't leave this love behind)
baby take my hand, I'll show you why
I'm about to sign you up
We can get right before the night is up
We can get ohhhhh, get right

We can get ohhhhh, get right
We can get right
I'm about to fill your cup
We can get right before the night is up

we can ohhohhh, get right
We can ohhhhhh, get right
We can get right
I'm about to sign you up
We can get right before the night is up

We can get ohhhhh, get right
We can get ohhhhh, get right
We can get right
I'm about to fill your cup

We can get right before the night is up
we can ohhohhh, get right
We can ohhhhhh, get right
We can get right
I'm about to sign you up
We can get right before the night is up
We can get ohhhhhh, get right
We can get ohhhhhh, get right
We can tonight
I'm about to fill your cup
We can get right before the night is up
we can ohhohhh, get right
We can ohhhhhh, get right
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