Echos - Guest Room

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Echos - Guest Room was added to the Free2Music database on November 24, 2018. Published the day it was watched 787 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information






Even Though You're Gone

Lyrics Title

Guest Room




Electronic Alternative


I know that I'm better off on my own
I wish I’d never let you sleep in my room
Been thinking about a way that I could take back
The night I lost myself in you
You know that every time I hear your name I replay
Your fingertips against my frame and lose faith
Been praying for a way that I could feel saved
But I'll never get over you

Wish that I had never let you love me
Although you said you never did
I wish you would have slept in the guest room
Cause maybe I'd still feel alive without you
I’m pretty sure that all of this was my fault
I'm the one who kissed you first and took my clothes off

You know how to make me feel all alone
But when I'm underneath your teeth it feels just like home
You said we should'nt make love and just fucking
Found another way to heal
You know you drain me of myself till I can't see straight
Been thinking 'bout your body in the worst way
Wish that I could remove you from my veins
Cause I'm sick of feeling so betrayed

Wish that I had never let you love me
Although you said you never did
I wish you would have slept in the guest room
Cause maybe I'd still feel alive without you
I’m pretty sure that all of this was my fault
I’m the one who kissed you first and took my clothes off

And I thought I'd mean something to you
More than skin to put your skin on
I thought I’d mean something to you
I wish you would have slept in the guest room
Cause baby I still feel alive without you
I'm pretty sure that all of this was my fault
I'm the one that kissed you first and took my clothes off
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