Alison Wonderland - Church (Party Pupils Remix)

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Alison Wonderland - Church (Party Pupils Remix) was added to the Free2Music database on November 24, 2018. Published the day it was watched 648 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Alison Wonderland



Lyrics Title







I don't know where I should begin
All this time that I'm putting in (aah)
Build me up just to bring me down (ah-aah)
'Cause you don't want me to take the crown (aah)

I shouldn't let you get to me, but you do
I let you take it out on me, yes it's true
You're saying sorry constantly
But you never, but you never (never)

Never say a prayer for me
Never celebrate your hands on me
You better treat me like church (church)
You better treat me like church (church)
You better treat me like

I don't know what I'm meant to do (ah-aah)
All I know's I believe in you (aah)
So praise me up for the things I've done (ah-aah)
I should feel like the only one (aah)

I shouldn't let you get to me, but you do
I let you take it out on me, yes it's true
You're saying sorry constantly
But you never, but you never (never)

Never say a prayer for me
Never celebrate your hands on me
You better treat me like church (church)
You better treat me like church (church)
You better treat me like

I shouldn't let you get to me, but you do
I let you take it out on me, yes it's true
You're saying sorry constantly
But you never, but you never

Never say a prayer for me
Never celebrate your hands on me
You better treat me like church (church)
You better treat me like church (church)
You better treat me like church (church)
You better treat me like church (church)
You better treat me like church (church)
You better treat me like church (church)
You better treat me like church (church)
You better treat me like
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