KDDK - Last Train to Paris (feat. Arilena Ara)

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KDDK - Last Train to Paris (feat. Arilena Ara) was added to the Free2Music database on November 24, 2018. Published the day it was watched 774 times since. Other information about free music is below.

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Lyrics Title

Last Train to Paris (feat. Arilena Ara)




Hip-Hop Rap


Staring at my phone in the right hand
Remembering the words that we all said
Counting on the dates that I have been with you

Two of us looking like a nice picture...
Reality is such a complicated antity
We fly high all night, lose gravity
Dancing like a poison, with no remedy
Leave me alone, but wait-stay with me
Rain is falling down on me I feel that I'm losing gravity
And I know, I know how story goes
This time your love is overdosed
Hello! I'll be standing on the edge of the world
Sending all the letters to Heaven
I'll be coming to the end of the world
Waiting for the last train to Paris...
You love me not, I love you neither
Probably this is the lesson why I'm still breathing...
How to be without you, how to be with me
Like a Nelly-dilemma - it's like a prison...
My moral is sending bullets to my head
Realizing you're the best thing I've ever had...
Everything is blue and green turning into red
Means I'm alive straight until I'm dead...
Rain is falling down on me I feel that I'm losing gravity
And I know, I know how story goes
This time your love is overdosed
Hello! I'll be standing on the edge of the world
Sending all the letters to Heaven
I'll be coming to the end of the world
Waiting for the last train to Paris...
Hello! I'll be standing on the edge of the world
Sending all the letters to Heaven
I'll be coming to the end of the world
Waiting for the last train to Paris...
I'll be standing on the edge of the world...
I'll be coming to the end of the world.
Waiting for the last train to Paris...
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