Music Detail

Dua Lipa - Homesick (Album Visual) was added to the Free2Music database on December 08, 2018. Published the day it was watched 618 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Dua Lipa


Dua Lipa (Deluxe)

Lyrics Title







Here, where the sky's falling
I'm covered in blue
I'm running and I'm crawling
Fighting for you
When the rain stops, then, darling, what will I do?
And I know I go all in, but why do I?

You give me a reason, something to believe in
I know, I know, I know
You give me a meaning, something I can breathe in
I know, I know, I know
It's a bittersweet feeling
Longing, and I'm leaving
I go, I go, I go
But I wish I was there with you
Oh, I wish I was there with you

There's a crack in my window
A bird in my room
Angels all over that watch over you
When I'm walking on water
All my dreams have come true
Still, nothing means nothing
Without you, you

You give me a reason, something to believe in
I know, I know, I know
You give me a meaning, something I can breathe in
I know, I know, I know
It's a bittersweet feeling
Longing, and I'm leaving
I go, I go, I go
Tell my heart to lie, but I know deep inside it's true
That I wish I was there with you
That I wish I was there with you
Oh, I wish I was there with you

You give me a reason, something to believe in
I know, I know, I know
You give me a meaning, something I can breathe in
I know, I know, I know
It's a bittersweet feeling
Longing, and I'm leaving
I go, I go, I go
Tell my heart to lie, but I know deep inside it's true
That I wish I was there with you
That I wish I was there with you
Oh, I wish I was there with you
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