The Chainsmokers, Tritonal - Until You Were Gone (Audio) ft. Emily Warren

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Music Detail

The Chainsmokers, Tritonal - Until You Were Gone (Audio) ft. Emily Warren was added to the Free2Music database on November 28, 2018. Published the day it was watched 683 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




The Chainsmokers & Tritonal ft. Emily Warren

Lyrics Title

Until You Were Gone






Thought that I’d be better off if I were on my own
I tried to put my finger on the moment we were wronged
But the taste turned bitter, so I pulled the trigger
Not so easy to move on, I guess I should have known

Ice cold I freeze up when I see ya
Left you just to find out that I need ya
So far I want to pull you closer
I wish we could start the whole thing over

Ever since I left you, I’ve been trying to get you back
And it keeps getting worse
I’m burning on the inside and the truth is that I, didn’t know how good you were
Until you were gone
Until you were gone

I was always told that only time would heal the pain
Yet even though it’s been so long it still hurts just the same
Yet now I’m finding, that the break was binding
Let’s take back everything I said oh won't you just come home

Ice cold I freeze up when I see ya
Left you just to find out that I need ya
So far I want to pull you closer
I wish we could start the whole thing over

Ever since I left you, I’ve been trying to get you back
And it keeps getting worse
I’m burning on the inside and the truth is that I, didn’t know how good you were
Until you were gone
Until you were gone
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