Meiko - Leave The Lights On (Stoto Remix) [Video Edit]

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Meiko - Leave The Lights On (Stoto Remix) [Video Edit] was added to the Free2Music database on November 28, 2018. Published the day it was watched 766 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information






The Bright Side

Lyrics Title

Leave the Lights On






We're in the dark, it's getting late
I really should go, he's waiting for me
We both know it's not what it seems
We both know what's between the sheets
I know that it's a secret
And that I gotta keep it
But I want the lights on
Yeah, I want the lights on
And I don't want to run away anymore
Leave the lights on, leave the lights on, leave the lights on

What would they say, what would they do?
Would it be trouble if they knew?
I'm trying hard to make you see
All that you are is all that I need
I know that it's a secret
And that I gotta keep it
But I want the lights on
Yeah, I want the lights on
And I don't want to run away anymore
Leave the lights on, leave the lights on
I know that it's a secret
And that I gotta keep it
But I want the lights on
Yeah, I want the lights on
And I don't want to run away anymore
Leave the lights on, leave the lights on, leave the lights on
Let it out, let it out, let it out
Let it out, let it out, let it out
I know that it's a secret
And that I gotta keep it
But I want the lights on
Yeah, I want the lights on
And I don't want to run away anymore
Leave the lights on, leave the lights on
I know that it's a secret
And that I gotta keep it
But I want the lights on
Yeah, I want the lights on
And I don't want to run away anymore
Leave the lights on, leave the lights on, leave the lights on
I know that it's a secret
And that I gotta keep it
But I want the lights on
Yeah, I want the lights on
And I don't want to run away anymore
Leave the lights on, leave the lights on, leave the lights on

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