RUNAGROUND & Dmitry Ko - Rest of Me

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RUNAGROUND & Dmitry Ko - Rest of Me was added to the Free2Music database on December 07, 2018. Published the day it was watched 634 times since. Other information about free music is below.

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Lyrics Title

Rest of Me






You got the best, but you won't get the rest of me yeah yeah yeah
You got the best but you won't get the rest of me yeah yeah yeah

Rewind, It'll be Okay. Stop Time for a Memory. We're closer than ever, it seems like eternity. Lonely Nights, Longer Days. The last time, that i saw your face. Feels like forever since you got the best of me

So long. Was nice to meet you. I stay strong. It was nice to see that, You're better than ever, better without me, Baby Yeah Yeah Yeah

Say Now. Who wants to be the fucking Letdown. Your Last Deceiver
You got the best, but you won't get the rest of me yeah yeah yeah
Yeah Yeah Yeah

We were catastrophic, Luxury. You and I - Insanity. Walking Sober at Referee's. They shut us down with Lock and Keys
Lonely Nights, Longer Days. The last time, that i saw your face. Feels like forever since you got the best of me

Say Now. Who wants to be the fucking Letdown. Your Last Deceiver
You got the best, but you won't get the rest of me yeah yeah yeah

You got the best, but you won't get the rest of me yeah yeah yeah
You got the best, but you won't get the rest of me yeah yeah yeah
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