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CHADASH CORT X ALP3R X IOSSA - I'm Only Human was added to the Free2Music database on November 22, 2018. Published the day it was watched 746 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Chadash Cort

Lyrics Title

I'm Only Human (feat. Iossa & Alp3r)






Sure, my life doesn’t seem
All peace and light to you
But now, I wish you could see
I’m sleeping like a baby, how about you?
And I was all wrong about easy recovery
[Wake me up, fill me in, lead me to salvation]
Have to work day by day on myself to maturity
[Shake me up, love me now, lead me to salvation]
And I wish that I could learn to love
But I’m only human you know
Sure, I wasn’t around
When you needed me the most
But here, if you haven’t heard
I tried so hard to right my wrongs, how about yours?
I met God, for a while, I was scared I could lose it all
[He woke me up, filled me in, led me to salvation]
It was when I got lost, that I found again my soul
[Shook me up, loves me now, leads me to salvation]
And I wish that I could learn to love
But I’m only human you know

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