Music Detail

Lil Peep - Runaway was added to the Free2Music database on November 22, 2018. Published the day it was watched 697 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Lil Peep


Come Over When You're Sober, Pt. 2

Lyrics Title





Hip-Hop Rap


Runaway from here
Everybody so fake
Everybody so fake, I swear
I don't wanna go back there

Take me, away from here
Everybody so fake
Everybody so fake, I swear
But I don't wanna go back there
Everybody so fake
Everybody act like they care
Take me, away from here
Everybody so fake
Everybody so fake, I swear
But I don't wanna go back there
Everybody so fake
Everybody act like they care
Everybody act like they care
Why the fuck do everybody act like they care?
I was dying and nobody was there
Please don't cry, baby, life ain't fair

I run away from my problems
I do the drugs when I want 'em
I ran away from my momma
Don't bother me with no drama
Now I'm looking for a ghost girl (Ghost girl)
I ain't never gonna find her (Find her)
Pain pills with my coke, girl (Coke, girl)
You know I gotta get high first (High first)
Now I'm looking for a ghost girl
I ain't never gonna find her
You were everything I know, girl
Ain't it funny how life work?
(Ain't it funny how life work?)

Take me, away from here
Everybody so fake
Everybody so fake, I swear
But I don't wanna go back there
Everybody so fake
Everybody act like they care
Take me, away from here
Everybody so fake
Everybody so fake, I swear
But I don't wanna go back there
Everybody so fake
Everybody act like they care
Everybody act like they care
Why the fuck do everybody act like they care?
I was dying and nobody was there
Please don't cry, baby, life ain't fair

I run away from my problems
I do the drugs when I wanna
I ran away from my momma
Don't bother me with no drama
(I run away from my problems)
(I run away from my problems)
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