Childish Gambino - Boogieman (Audio)

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Childish Gambino - Boogieman (Audio) was added to the Free2Music database on November 21, 2018. Published the day it was watched 815 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Childish Gambino


"Awaken, My Love!"

Lyrics Title





R&B Hip-Hop Soul


With a gun in your hand
I'm the boogieman
I'm gonna come and get you

If you point a gun at my rising sun
Though we're not the one
But in the bounds of your mind
We have done the crime

Boogieman, you've got to help us, can you?
(Yes I can)
Boogieman, you've got to help us, can you?
(Yes I can)

With a gun in your hand
I'm the boogieman
I'm gonna come and get you

Every boy and girl all around the world
Knows my nigga's words
But if he's scared of me
How can we be free? Yeah

Boogieman, you've got to help us, can you?
(Yes I can, oh)
Boogieman, you've got to help us, can you?
(Yes I can, oh)
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