Dave East - Found A Way

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Dave East - Found A Way was added to the Free2Music database on November 15, 2018. Published the day it was watched 858 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Dave East


Paranoia: A True Story

Lyrics Title

Found a Way




Hip-Hop Rap



I found a way
It was so hard to get what I wanted, I found a way
I had to sacrifice for this life, I found a way
(Switch my whole life up)

I found a way
It was so hard to get what I wanted, I found a way (found a way)
I had to sacrifice for this life, I found a way (found a way)
Got sick and tired of wearin' the same clothes, I found a way (found a way)
Got tired of seein' the same hoes, I found a way (found a way)
I found a way
Any drug, any plug on deck, if you come around the way
I got dimes on the way
Ain't got time for no games
Just wanna shine like a chain
I'm out my mind, out my brain (brain)
From the grind came the fame (fame)
20-thousand in my back pocket, sorry nigga, I ain't got the change
(I ain't got it)
Niggas that I grew up with, hate me more than ever
Charge it to the game (uh)
I just play the back seat, gettin' top, while the driver switch lanes

It was so hard to get what I wanted, I found a way (found a way)
I had to sacrifice for this life, I found a way (found a way)
Got sick and tired of wearin' the same clothes, I found a way (found a way)
Got sick and tired of seein' the same hoes, I found a way (found a way)
I found a way, I found a way
Any drug, any plug on deck, come around the way
I got dimes on the way
Ain't got time for da' games (no time)
Just wanna shine like a chain (shine)
I'm out my mind, out my brain
From the grind came the fame
20-thousand in my back pocket, sorry nigga, I ain't got the change

Run up on me, must be out your brain
You and I, we are not the same
Ain't say a word, when the cops a' came
Money comin', shit you gotta change
Hardest young nigga out the game
Watch my aim, got a hundred clip
Movin' like I'm on the wanted list
I'm on a yacht, with a hundred Crips
I ain't bitchin', shit, I wanted this
Jump out in Louis Vuitton
White tee, black leather jacket, like I'm cool with The Fonz
Fuck the ring, kiss the shoe of a don
Hundred p's, I could move 'em tomorrow

It was so hard to get what I wanted, I found a way
(found a way)
I had to sacrifice for this life, I found a way
(found a way)
Got sick and tired of wearin' the same clothes, I found a way
Got sick and tired of seein' the same hoes, I found a way
I found a way
(found a way, found a way)
Any drug, any plug on deck, if you come around the way
I got dimes on the way
Ain't got time for no games
Just wanna shine like a chain
I'm out my mind, out my brain
From the grind came the fame (find a way)
20-thousand in my back pocket, sorry nigga, I ain't got the change
Niggas that I grew up with, hate me more than ever
Charge it to the game
I just play the back seat, gettin' top, while the driver switch lanes
Pull up, new Maserati
I ain't touch her body, but the bitch came
20-thousand in my back pocket, sorry nigga, I ain't got the change
Niggas that I grew up with, hate me more than ever
Charge it to the game
I just play the back seat, gettin' top, while the driver switch lanes
Pull up, new Maserati
I ain't touch her body, but the bitch came

I found a way
It was so hard to get what I wanted, I found a way
I had to sacrifice for this life, I found a way
Got sick and tired of wearin' the same clothes, I found a way
Got sick and tired of seein' the same hoes, I found a way
I found a way
I found a way
I found a way
It was so hard, I found a way
It was so hard to get what I wanted, I found a way
I found a way
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