Joyner Lucas feat Snoh Aalegra - Way To Go (feat. Snoh Aalegra) (Audio Only)

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Joyner Lucas feat Snoh Aalegra - Way To Go (feat. Snoh Aalegra) (Audio Only) was added to the Free2Music database on October 28, 2018. Published the day it was watched 758 times since. Other information about free music is below.

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Joyner Lucas



Lyrics Title

Way To Go (feat. Snoh Aalegra)




Hip-Hop Rap


I got pain in my soul (way to go)
And I ain't prayed in so long (I said, way to go)
Jesus can't save me no more (way to go)
Just remember the road

You feel like the world is against you
You feel like you had a bad case of the "can't help it"
You feel like sometimes all hope is gone
And every time you wanted to do good
Evil was always prevalent on you, you hear me?
He came to kill, steal and destroy your soul
And now you look at yourself
And you say, "I just got pain in my soul"

Uhh, I ain't felt this way since Wednesday
I brought a switchblade to 6th grade
Way before Myspace and Sam-space
I had a crush on Beyoncé and Kim K
I went to work late and missed out
My Grandma told me, "In ten days you're kicked out"
Never went to Sunday School, I skipped out
And then went to the mall and got draped up and dripped out
I used to listen to Bon Jovi
And hang with my Aunt Rosie, then she called the cops on me
Crack in my socks runnin', my neighbor up top sold me
Nowhere to run now, thanks a lot homie
Misunderstood, trust me I know what you took from me
She said, "I know you're in a relationship and you couldn't love me
And you know we got something and you know it's time so what you waitin' for?
Goddamn you let me down again, way to go"

I got pain in my soul (way to go)
And I ain't prayed in so long (I said, way to go)
Jesus can't save me no more (way to go)
Just remember the road

I came to tell you tonight that there's good news
That Jesus came to save you from all of your sins
And he came to wash it away with his blood
The enemy came to steal, kill and destroy your soul
And now all you can do is that in your soul
Is that there is nothing but pain

Uhh, niggas just throw fits, I'm so sick
I'm tired of my broke friends who smoke cigs
I just wanna gold Benz with with smoke tens
And take all of my hoes on a road trip, just no kids
I guess it's cool to dream when you ain't used to havin' much
I know this breakup hurtin' you and you sad and such
I know you not happy, stop actin' like you havin' fun
I know you snoopin' through my Instagram gettin' mad as fuck
I tried to run away from home before the ass-beatin's
All I wanted was some clothes but it's tax season
I love it when they Black but they act 'Rican
My pastor think that I'm half Black and half demon
What the fuck is you tryin' for? What's mine is yours
What's yours is mine and I'm down for, we ridin' for it
We wanted this a long time ago, what you waitin' for?
Goddamn, you let me down again (way to go)

I got pain in my soul, way to go
And I ain't prayed in so long, way to go
This sinnin' can't save me no more, way to go
This the end of the road
I got pain in my soul, way to go
And I ain't prayed in so long, way to go
This sinnin' can't save me no more, way to go
This the end of the road
I got pain in my soul, way to go
Ta-ta ah-ah-ah-ah-ah, oh why-y-y-y
I ain't prayed in so long, way to go
Sinnin' can't save me no more, no more

Yo wassup, this is Joyner
I'm unable to take your call right now
Leave me a brief message and I'll get back to you, peace

Man, think about a little baby girl and a baby boy
Man makes them happy, to carry, to carry heavy load
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