IU (아이유) - Good Day (좋은 날)

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IU (아이유) - Good Day (좋은 날) was added to the Free2Music database on October 28, 2018. Published the day it was watched 800 times since. Other information about free music is below.

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Lyrics Title

Good Day






Aozora de namida kawakashite
Kanashimi kaze de fukitobashite
Tsuyogari no flow shitteru desho?
Fui ni sotto KISU wo shitara daitan?
Yumemiru dake itsudemo
Nakasenai de konna hi ni
Furimuite mo kurenai no?
Sono hitomi de utsutteru no wa
Kyou no hareta sora dake na no?
Watashi no negai sore wa dosureba kanau no?
Kiite, OPPA GA zutto ano ne…
Mada kodomo datte omotteru no?
Imouto mitai ni omotteru?
Mou arienai de, wakatte inai
Akirekaeru kurai no donkan!
Kizuite hoshii ima sugu
Nakasetai no? konna hi ni
Furimuite mo kurenai ne
Sono hitomi ni nokotteru no wa
Kyou no hareta sora dake na no?
Hontou no kimochi sore wa dousureba todoku no?
Kiite, OPPA GA zutto etto ne…
Nee kikoeru? kaze no uta ga hajimaru yo
Kakushiteta mune no itami komiagete kuru yo
Koboreochiru namida nara
Ue wo nuite gomakashite
Negai koto wo shitte iru no wa
Kyou no ahreta sora dake na no?
Nando mo mune no oku ni shimatteta kotoba
"NANUN YO OPPA GA CHOUN GORU" (a ita, seeno)
I'm in my dream
It's too beautiful, beautiful day
Make it a good day
Just don't make me cry
Demo ienai no
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