Skippa Da Flippa - Trippy Bounce (Audio) ft. Lil Yachty, Juicy J

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Music Detail

Skippa Da Flippa - Trippy Bounce (Audio) ft. Lil Yachty, Juicy J was added to the Free2Music database on October 28, 2018. Published the day it was watched 667 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Skippa Da Flippa

Lyrics Title

Trippy Bounce






Thinmint cookie, roll an ounce
Buy ten bottles, pop ‘em now
We'll get drunk as fuck if you’re down
Or I pour up in 100 ounce
Trippy bounce, trippy trippy bounce, trippy trippy bounce
Trippy bounce, trippy trippy bounce, trippy trippy bounce
Geeked up when I take a perky
So I slam dunk like James Worthy
Spray all ten bottles of champagne
They love to call me mister perfect
Trippy bounce, trippy trippy bounce, trippy trippy bounce
Trippy bounce, trippy trippy bounce, trippy trippy bounce

Trippy bounce, you know Flippa gon' bust it down
Car cost more than 100 thou
Don't act like I ain't been around
I'm a young OG, I get guala while I'm in any town
White Lou's, blue cheese dressing
Stack four and hold it, yes that's my profession
Shift into M and I race to the exit
Wells Flippa Fargo, got credit and debit
She wan' get sexual, Flippa's impeccable
They doubled my bag so I cleared off my schedule
Baby booty juicy vegetable edible
I count up big commas, I came from the decimals
Trippy trippy bounce, trippy trippy trippy
Cocaine, cornbread, Jiffy Jiffy
She pretty but I still gave her a quicky
I'm geeked up, I don't know if she drunk or she tipsy
If there's an issue you know I kill it
Block on fire, block on hot like a skillet
My young nigga lost and he's scared to appeal it
Grill him with the gold then barbecue grill it
Hennessy drinker but she'll do the D'usse
If they make the new hundreds I don't fuck with Green Bay
Wake me up in September like I'm Green Day
Put the Beamer up, today's a Celine day

Thinmint cookie, roll an ounce
Buy ten bottles, pop ‘em now
We'll get drunk as fuck if you’re down
Or I pour up in 100 ounce
Trippy bounce, trippy trippy bounce, trippy trippy bounce
Trippy bounce, trippy trippy bounce, trippy trippy bounce
Geeked up when I take a perky
So I slam dunk like James Worthy
Spray all ten bottles of champagne
They love to call me mister perfect
Trippy bounce, trippy trippy bounce, trippy trippy bounce
Trippy bounce, trippy trippy bounce, trippy trippy bounce

I'm the richest young nigga you know
When I run through all these bitches, they stand on their toes
Got my first check and split half with my bro
Count up my rolls in front of the old liquor store
Niggas need me more than I need them
Told that lil bitch pop that pussy like that shit was Vicodin
We used to stay out all day
We couldn't wait 'til them packages came in, boy hey
I used to dream about diamonds, now a nigga shining
Now a nigga got bitches blinded
Spent 180 cash on whip, no rental
Pink slip, pink slip, you feel me
I can't stop 'til a young nigga kill me
I can't stop 'til like, never
This for my mama, my niggas keep armor
My bitch mixed, I call her Arnold Palmer
Can't wait 'til I palm her
My niggas be growing that gas like a farmer
I know that you smell it
Brother locked up for the way that he selled it
Everybody rich, you let 'em tell it
In the booth right now with a sixty on me
These niggas be frontin', these niggas jabronies
Don't call my phone, bitch nigga you not my homie
These niggas bitches, all these niggas be cloning
Lil Boat

Thinmint cookie, roll an ounce
Buy ten bottles, pop ‘em now
We'll get drunk as fuck if you’re down
Or I pour up in 100 ounce
Trippy bounce, trippy trippy bounce, trippy trippy bounce
Trippy bounce, trippy trippy bounce, trippy trippy bounce
Geeked up when I take a perky
So I slam dunk like James Worthy
Spray all ten bottles of champagne
They love to call me mister perfect
Trippy bounce, trippy trippy bounce, trippy trippy bounce
Trippy bounce, trippy trippy bounce, trippy trippy bounce

I been that man since way back in the day
Write a whole book about how to get paid
Some of these niggas just ain't got no business
The grudges ain't in 'em, they can't get no cake
I get that shit like it's fresh off the boat
I got a chick that come fresh off the coast
We get together and get to this cheddar
I'd run out of air 'fore I run out of dough
Pour up and let's pop a bean
Roll up some green, I got a pint of blue dream
Shawty I got what you need
Don't be afraid, relax and take two of these
My favor gon' cost a fee
Fuck who you is, homie ain't nothing for free
I'm at every Laker game wearing 80 chains
Nigga can't be looking for me
I press a button, it's a go
Shooters coming where you stay
You must think I'm bluffin', choppas get to bustin'
Ain't no time to get away
Sipping dirty lemonade
A super model for a maid
You just party on the weekends
I be turning up every day

Thinmint cookie, roll an ounce
Buy ten bottles, pop ‘em now
We'll get drunk as fuck if you’re down
Or I pour up in 100 ounce
Trippy bounce, trippy trippy bounce, trippy trippy bounce
Trippy bounce, trippy trippy bounce, trippy trippy bounce
Geeked up when I take a perky
So I slam dunk like James Worthy
Spray all ten bottles of champagne
They love to call me mister perfect
Trippy bounce, trippy trippy bounce, trippy trippy bounce
Trippy bounce, trippy trippy bounce, trippy trippy bounce
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