Tynisha Keli - Love Hurts (feat. COMA-CHI)

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Music Detail

Tynisha Keli - Love Hurts (feat. COMA-CHI) was added to the Free2Music database on November 18, 2018. Published the day it was watched 735 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Tynisha Keli


The 5th Element

Lyrics Title

Love Hurts (feat. COMA-CHI)




Pop Funk/Soul


Uh Oh Uh
Uh Oh Uh
Uh Oh Uh
Uh Oh Uh

Everyone says don't give him no more chances
He don't deserve them at all
You ignore them letting him right back in
So all this pain is your fault

You blame him for your tears
But you keep giving in
No, I don't think you're really getting it

You are you're
You are you're worst enemy
Cause you give him everything
When you know it's love, it's detrimental
You're able to stick around
So take you're eyes off the ground
You are you're
You are you're worst enemy

You're hurting yourself cause you open your door
Before you wake up he's gone
Cuts like a knife when he don't care to call home
Then you excuse all the rules

You blame him for your tears
But you keep giving in
I don't think you're really getting it

You are you're
You are you're worst enemy
Cause you give him everything
(I don't think you see it)
When you know it's love, it's detrimental
You're able to stick around
(Don't you know that)
So take you're eyes off the ground
You are you're
You are you're worst enemy


It's like out of control

Love sick


Uh, then stop
(Uh Oh)
Everytime, every way, all day, all night

Mirror Mirror on the wall
Who is the worst one in the world

You are you're worst enemy
Cause you give him everything
(I don't think you see it)
When you know it's love, it's detrimental
You're able to stick around
(Don't you know that)
So take you're eyes off the ground
You are you're
You are you're worst enemy

You are you're worst enemy
Cause you give him everything
(I don't think you see it)
When you know it's love, it's detrimental
You're able to stick around
(Don't you know that)
So take you're eyes off the ground
You are you're
You are you're worst enemy yeah

Uh Oh Uh
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