Lil Durk (Feat. Yo Gotti) - Everything All White

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Lil Durk (Feat. Yo Gotti) - Everything All White was added to the Free2Music database on November 21, 2018. Published the day it was watched 582 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Lil Durk


Life Ain't No Joke

Lyrics Title

Everything All White (feat. Yo Gotti)




Hip-Hop Rap


Everything all white, everything all white
My car white too
Everything all white, everything all white
Connect white too
Everything all white, everything all white
My house white too
Everything all white, everything all white
All white, I'm a fool
Everything all white, everything all white
Everything all white, everything all white
Everything all white, everything all white
My wrist white too
Everything all white, everything all white
Everything all white, everything all white
Everything all white, everything all white
All white, I'm a fool

Everything all white, everything all white
My coupe white too
My wrist watch white,my bitch white too
My cocaine right, my coke white too
You can't get right, you can't get right
You get left too
I'm OTF (that's GBE), I'm with that too
You still trying to rap, you're overdue
My trap go nuts, I'm high like zoo
You send one shot, we send shots too
I'm so 3hunna, all my niggas are gunnas
Turn yo bitch into a eater, turn yo bitch into a runner
I shoot like durk, I shoot like durk
I ain’t talking about jumper
I ain’t talking about jumper
I’m talking about a bumper
My money long, my money long
My kush too strong, my kush too strong
All my niggas be on, all my niggas be on
FTL be on, FTL be on
OTF 3hunna, all my niggas get money
Life ain’t no joke, life ain’t no joke
All white we coming
Everything all white, everything all white
My car white too
Everything all white, everything all white
Connect white too
Everything all white, everything all white
My house white too
Everything all white, everything all white
All white, I'm a fool
Everything all white, everything all white
Everything all white, everything all white
Everything all white, everything all white
My wrist white too
Everything all white, everything all white
Everything all white, everything all white
Everything all white, everything all white
All white, I'm a fool

I got a check, I got a check
You know my hustle, you know my hustle
Pull up in six cars, you know my color
Look at phantom grill, look at phantom grill
Stainless steel, stainless steel
So much wood, it look like a house on wheels
House on wheels, house on wheels, house full of pills
I’m 3hunna, it’s how I live
White rollie with the white diamonds
Streets dry so the white climbing
White louie with the white trues
I don’t like niggas like a white dude
My house racist, my guns black
My sack came its off white
I fuck with Durk, we got work
We’re getting money, is that right?
CMG we’re getting this
Bad hoes, we hitting it
We don't fuck with hating niggas
Give they ass the business
Everything all white, everything all white
My car white too
Everything all white, everything all white
Connect white too
Everything all white, everything all white
My house white too
Everything all white, everything all white
All white, I'm a fool
Everything all white, everything all white
Everything all white, everything all white
Everything all white, everything all white
My wrist white too
Everything all white, everything all white
Everything all white, everything all white
Everything all white, everything all white
All white, I'm a fool
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