Jupiter - Starlighter

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Jupiter - Starlighter was added to the Free2Music database on November 21, 2018. Published the day it was watched 621 times since. Other information about free music is below.

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When I met him the stars were shining so bright
In the heart of a club on a Saturday night
I got out of a cab waited at the door
Finally gonna burst to the dance floor
Oh, the place is full
Dressed to kill we're the only rule
Oh, no one can see
I won't come to look at me
When I first saw you move with magical moves
People could not resist his incredible groove
I thought I need to get over to that man
As I did you looked at me and grabbed my hand
Some love in my heart I feel
Some love in my heart
Some love in my heart I feel
I kept on dancing together all night long
And decided to leave in the early morn'
As we seemed to walk out to a brand new day
He drove me back home, beamed and he turned and waved
Oh, he's so sweet
I cannot wait until next week
Oh, he's so fine
That boy is simply divine
Some love in my heart I feel
Some love in my heart
Some love in my heart I feel
Some love in my heart
Oh, he's so sweet
I cannot wait until next week
Oh, he's so fine
That boy is simply divine
Some love in my heart I feel
Some love in my heart
Some love in my heart I feel
Some love in my heart
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