SZA - Drew Barrymore (Audio)

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SZA - Drew Barrymore
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Music Detail

SZA - Drew Barrymore (Audio) was added to the Free2Music database on November 01, 2018. Published the day it was watched 808 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information







Lyrics Title

Drew Barrymore




R&B Soul


Why is it so hard to accept the party is over?
You came with your new friends
And her mom jeans and her new Vans
And she's perfect and I hate it, oh so glad you made it
I'm so glad you could come by
Somebody get the tacos, somebody spark the blunt
Let's start the Narcos off at episode one
Bring the gin, got the juice
Bring the sin, got that too
Won't you just shut up, know you're my favorite
Am I...

Warm enough for ya outside baby, yeah
Tell me that it's warm enough here for ya
Is it warm enough for ya inside me, me, me, me?
Warm enough for ya outside baby, yeah
Tell me that it's warm enough here for ya
Warm enough outside, inside me, me, me, me

I get so lonely, I forget what I'm worth
We get so lonely, we pretend that this works
I'm so ashamed of myself think I need therapy-y-y-y
I'm sorry I'm not more attractive
I'm sorry I'm not more ladylike
I'm sorry I don't shave my legs at night
I'm sorry I'm not your baby mama
I'm sorry you got karma comin' to you
Collect your soul, get it right

Warm enough for ya outside baby, yeah
Tell me that it's warm enough here for ya
Is it warm enough for ya inside me, me, me, me?
Warm enough for ya outside baby, yeah
Tell me that it's warm enough here for ya
Warm enough outside, inside me, me, me, me

Sorry, I just need to see you
I'm sorry I'm so clingy I don't mean to be a lot
Do you really wanna love me down like you say you do?
Give it to me like you say you do?
'Cause it's hard enough you got to treat me like this
Lonely enough to let you treat me like this
Do you really love me?
Or just wanna love me down, down, down, down?

Warm enough for ya outside baby, yeah
Tell me that it's warm enough here for ya
Is it warm enough for ya inside me, me, me, me?
Warm enough for ya outside baby, yeah
Tell me that it's warm enough here for ya
Warm enough outside, inside me, me, me, me

Warm enough outside, inside
Warm enough outside, inside me-me-me-me, me-me-me
Ohh-whoa, is it warm enough outside, inside?
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