Music Detail

Sam Smith - Money On My Mind was added to the Free2Music database on November 01, 2018. Published the day it was watched 901 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Sam Smith


In the Lonely Hour

Lyrics Title

Money On My Mind






When I signed my deal
I felt pressure don't want to see the numbers
I want to see heaven
You say could you write a song for me?
I say I'm sorry I won't do that happily

When I go home, I tend to close the door
I never wanted more, so sing with me, can't you see?

I don't have money on my mind
Money on my mind
I do it for, I do it for the love
I don't have money on my mind
Money on my mind
I do it for, I do it for the love

I do it for the love
I do it for the love

Please don't get me wrong, I wanna keep it moving
I know what that requires, I'm not foolish
Please can you, make this work for me?
'Cause I am not a puppet, I will work against your strings

When I go home, I tend to close the door
I never wanted more, so sing with me, can't you see?

I don't have money on my mind
Money on my mind
I do it for, I do it for the love
I don't have money on my mind
Money on my mind
I do it for, I do it for the love

I do it for the love
I do it for the love

When the sun will set
Don't you afraid
No, I have no money on my mind
No money on my mind
No money on my mind
No, I have no money on my mind
Just love
When the sun will set
Don't you afraid
No, I have no money on my mind
No money on my mind
No money on my mind
No, I have no money on my mind
Just love

Money on my mind
Money on my mind
I do it for, I do it for the love
I don't have money on my mind
Money on my mind
I do it for, I do it for the love

I do it for the love
I do it for the love
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