Son of Dave - Ain't Nuthin But the Blues

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Son of Dave - Ain't Nuthin But the Blues was added to the Free2Music database on November 01, 2018. Published the day it was watched 622 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Son of Dave


Shake a Bone

Lyrics Title

Ain't Nothin But the Blues




Rock Alternative


Got me walking a tightrope
Got me walking on eggshells
Standing knocking on my door this morning

what you standing there for?
you ever seen this woman before?
sure, she just ran out my back door

babe I feel so sorry for you now
babe ever since you was a baby
ain't nothing but the blues
nothing but the blues

caught me taking a piece of
left me holding the kitty
say it's all your fault

long before I came along
I can tell you where you started going wrong

babe I feel so sorry for you now
babe ever since you was a baby
ain't nothing but the blues
nothing but the blues

ain't my fault!
but deeper than that
nothing but the blues

babe I feel so sorry for you now
babe ever since you was a baby
it ain't nothing but the blues
nothing but the blues

it ain't my fault!
you blaming everybody else!
just take a look at yourself!
nothing but the blues

it's a little deeper than that
take a look at yourself
it ain't my fault!
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