Music Detail

Ellie Goulding - Starry Eyed (Live at Metropolis Studios, 2010) was added to the Free2Music database on October 30, 2018. Published the day it was watched 782 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Ellie Goulding



Lyrics Title

Starry Eyed






Oh, oh, starry eyed, Oh, oh, starry eyed.....
Hit, hit, hit, hit, hit me with lightning (Oh, oh, starry eyed)
Hit, hit, hit, hit, hit me with lightning (Oh, oh, starry eyed)
Hit, hit, hit, hit, hit me with lightning (Oh, oh, starry eyed)
Hit, hit, hit, hit, hit me with lightning (Oh, oh, starry eyed)

Handlebars that I let go, let go for anyone
Take me in and I'll throw out my heart and get a new one

Next thing, we're touching
You look at me, it's like you hit me with lightning

Oh, everybody's starry-eyed
Oh, everybody's starry-eyed
And everybody glows
Oh, everybody's starry-eyed
And my body goes

So we burst into colours, colours and carousels
Fall head first like paper planes and playground games

Next thing, we're touching
You look at me, it's like you hit me with lightning
Hit me with lightning

Oh, everybody's starry-eyed
And everybody glows
Oh, everybody's starry-eyed
And my body goes
Oh oh ooh

Next thing we're touching
Next thing we're touching
Next thing we're touching
Next thing we're touching
Next thing we're touching
Next thing we're touching
Next thing we're touching
Next thing we're touching
(Hit me with lightning)

Oh, everybody's starry-eyed
And everybody glows
Oh, everybody's starry-eyed
And my body goes
Oh, everybody's starry-eyed
And everybody glows
Oh, everybody's starry-eyed
And my body goes
Oh oh oh oh my body goes ooh ooh...
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